Publish date: 30 August 2023

Meet our super staff Trevor and Amy. They are completing an incredible 15,000 feet skydive challenge in Salisbury next month to raise funds for Portsmouth Hospitals Charity.

Head of Sustainable Development, Trevor, who lives with multiple sclerosis, says he signed up to the fundraiser as not only was it a great opportunity to try something different, it was also better suited to his diagnosis.

“Taking on fundraising events like this is just part of being me, as I’m always up for the challenge.

“I often see the charity’s efforts and how it really focuses on the human side of what we do. For anyone fundraising or donating to the hospital, they are rewarded by knowing they bring extra colour and dignity to those connected to the Trust,” says Trevor.

Head of Capital and Property, Amy, who says she has a sense of pride from working at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust (PHU) for the last 18 years, adds she is looking forward to challenging herself in what will be her first ‘proper’ fundraising experience.

Take on a skydive for our charity

Want to take on the ultimate adrenaline challenge at speeds of 125mph?

If you’re convinced about signing up to skydive for our charity by reading Trevor and Amy’s story, find out more about this unique experience on our website here

Donating to Trevor and Amy

To donate to Trevor and Amy - whose fundraising target is £2,000 - you can go online to their fundraising page here.

You can also read more in depth about the duo – who have decided to ‘go big or go home’ with their challenge – below.

In depth: Trevor and Amy - The Q&A

What do your roles at the hospital involve?

Trevor/Amy: We both work in the Estates and Facilities team and between us have responsibility for capital projects and sustainability.

What do you both enjoy most about being at PHU?

Trevor/Amy: We’re both focused on improving and positively changing the place.

Trevor: In the last five years, this includes the new ward block D10/E10, the new north entrance car park, emergency care centre and Garden of Life. We’ve also overseen live projects including the new operating theatres, entrance extension, site wide LED lighting upgrades.

Amy: I enjoy everyday being different and bringing its own challenges to overcome and finding a solution which helps improve both patient and staff experience at what is mine and my family’s local hospital.

What fundraising experience do you both have?

Trevor: I’ve raised more than £20,000 for charity including for both Comic Relief and since my diagnosis, for the MS Trust. Until now I feel I’ve been resting my fundraising muscles! 

Amy: This is my first proper fundraising experience.

What motivates you to fundraise and give back to Portsmouth Hospitals Charity?

Trevor: Aside from it being part of me and taking on a challenge, I also use it as an excuse to jog people in to giving what they can. I am always keen to support a wide range of charities.

Amy: Given I like to challenge myself, throwing myself out of a plane is a pretty big challenge and being able to do it for charity makes it even more worthwhile as hopefully it will help provide something positive back to the hospital.

I have also recently had surgery here and my family have had various surgery and cancer treatments too and everyone did such a brilliant with me and my family, so it would be nice to give back in some way.

What preparation is involved for your skydive and fundraising?

Trevor: My motto is, book - fundraise - jump (don’t think about it too much!).

Amy: Trying to forget about it until the day!

In summary, how much are you looking forward to skydiving?

Trevor: A lot - I’ve always wanted to do it and it was a chance conversation which revealed we both wanted to, so that was it. There’s no backing out now although I expect to get nervous nearer the day.

Amy: In some weird way I’m very excited, but the closer the day gets, the more I’m thinking this was a crazy idea.

Why would you recommend people fundraise/donate to our charity?

Trevor/Amy: As mentioned, the charity adds extra colour and dignity to the lives of those at the Trust. For us, the Garden of Life is amazing and has become a focal point for staff and visitors, events and celebrations, quiet lunchtime contemplation and brings so much joy to all.

Can you tell us a little bit more about you outside of work?

Trevor: I moved to Portsmouth 5 years ago and really enjoy water swimming; you’ll find me at the beach when not at work. I used to run and cycle a lot before my MS progressed.

Amy: I’ve lived in Portsmouth my whole life, I’m 35 and am a single mum to my daughter who is 10. I love spending time with her and travelling to as many countries as we can, to experience new cultures. I love theme parks and trying something new.

The very best of luck goes to Trevor and Amy in September and thank you both for all your support!